Random Comments 2024 ☠️

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Like i said before i haven't personally encountered all the staff so i can't say ik all of them. However i've met quite a few of them Haven't rlly encountered a lot of male mods/staff however mostly females.
Well theres your problem lady. You havent met all of the beta simp cockblockers

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Mm.... Not meaning to over step but pls keep in mind all mods have lives. They come on their free time. So mods including @H.R. PufnStuf they can't see your messages right away. Before you complain just keep that in mind. Sometimes they fall behind but they'll take care of any issues as soon as they can. I personally think mods should be paid instead of it being volunteer work but that's just me. -Thank you (always be patient with mods pls).
as a former girls chat mod..I appreciate your message.. ❤️
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