Skinny Jeans.

My thighs are too fat for me to look good in a pair of those.
And I HATE how everyone wears them. It drives me crazy.
Especially people who wear sweatshirts and like, running shoes with them.
You shouldn't wear them if you can't accessorize with them. :disgust:

yeah i'd definitely nix the running shoes, but like with a cute jazzercize type sweatshirt and flat slip ons or depending on your color coordination, some cute print pumps would work too. it'd be cute.

i like the skinny jeans, but not skin tight jeans. i'll wear either flats or pumps with em. though, i gots some cushion for the pushin for the mega tight jeans. my ass would leak out of the top and that's not too attractive. though i've seen girls just 'em anyway with that problem and that's just... yeck.
Haaaa that's all I wear. I was wearing them before it came in style. I'd buy my jeans and take them home and re sew them so they would fit a lot tighter. I can get them a lot tighter then the stores can. Mine are extremly skinny jeans. I wont wear anything else. I have pretty thin legs though. Shoes it just depends on what you're wearing with the jeans. I wear a lot of flats/slip on shoes (Mainly cloth ones) but, I also wear cute lil tennies with them. (Never pumps with jeans...)
Okay, I have to bring this up. Everyone in my damn school is wearing skinny jeans, mostly because it's part of the new style, right? With flats or something?

Anyway, I was wondering, who here owns a pair?

Same here at my school.
I have a pair or two.
I find them really comfortable :eek:k:
and of course i wear them with flats as well.