The Yes/No Game

Tricky. Going to have to lean more towards no. People standards nowadays is a minefield.

Do you believe in the afterlife?
Yes unless it's absolutely baltic I like my bedroom cooler than the rest of the house

Do you prefer a warm house?
I'm a total bookworm. We've got over 2,000 books in our house and that's just the printed paper ones. We have eBooks too...

Are you a reader?
Jealous that you live in a library. (!)

I am but it’s mostly work/law related stuff. No time for a good book sadly.

Do you have anyone blocked on forums? 👀
I've kicked the wrong chatter a few times mostly due to the screen jumping as I selected them. I always unkick, small mute to add a note to their history so that the kick doesn't count, unmute and leave a pm apologising and explaining what went wrong.

Have you been a mod?
Yes. In a variety of rooms as well as admin and forums mod. Never been a UM my priority was the room when admin.

Can you sing a song in another language?
Can sing the German version of 99 red balloons and silent night. 😀

Have you ever gotten a 1up on someone speaking Gaelic thinking you couldn’t understand them?
Yes unfortunately. On Skye a pair of men passing quite nasty comments about an English couple. The look on their faces when I called them out in Gaelic and then translated what they'd been saying was priceless.

Do you speak another language?