The Yes/No Game

Can speak English, scottish, scally, sarcasm, German, and Luka.

Love that answer calling them out. Priceless indeed.

Can you hold your breath for 2 mins underwater?
Used to be able to, but haven't been connected with the water in a while nor continued my training.

Do you ever take medicines for being a little sick?
Ameould owning my own house would be my preference.

This is the yes/no game by the way :p

Do you own yours?
Merde. Sorry!

No and don’t think I ever will because thanks to cozzy livs. But hopeful.

Have you had a productive day?
I've had a coughy bunged up sore throated day but I did get all the study and revision I set myself done.

Did you achieve everything you set out to do?
Yes I think so. Emails piled in today. I may end up doing ot again after I rescinded it the other day 😭

Do you like hazelnuts?