The Yes/No Game

Yes and I hate it. Luka wears a navy blue sweater and grey slacks.

Do you hate the last few hours of a Friday workday?
Yes it fkn dragged the last half hour especially.

I actually do have a blue top on ๐Ÿคจ

Can you get your work down before end of day?
Yeah I go through productive periods so I can spend half the day on forums #Addicted

Have you ever received an official warning from your employer? (or mother for Emileh)
Metaphorically when Iโ€™ve had a meltdown in work over an email, yes.

Can you recite the alphabet backwards?
Yes. I had stuffed peppers with asparagus for dinner, vegetable soup and a cheese salad sandwich for lunch plus I've eaten a couple of apples.

Did you eat healthily today?
No I went to mcds after a mooch around the local shops. Potatoes count as 1 I guess.

Did you go for a run/jog today?
I've been revising for my highers all day. What do you think? :p

Did you walk more than 5 miles?
Probably altogether after the different floors I had to go to. Nightmare.

Do you doubt yourself over the simplest of things?
Yes I do tend to check myself but that's probably habit formed from climbing

Are you a confident person?