The Yes/No Game

Gotta get those carbs in for all the sports you do!

Yes and I love it but it is not reciprocated.

Do you last minute shop regularly?
Yes but I look like a crab with a back to front body.

Have you binged a Netflix (or any other streaming) series recently?

Edit yes I can ride a bike also haha
No but my brother has. He wanted to measure the mains voltage and did it by pulling the plug out slightly and put two screwdrivers on the pins to measure the voltage from. I heard the bang from the garden. Did I mention my brother is an idiot?

Have you ever had a shock from an appliance or anything else connected to the mains?
Actual lol because can relate.

Yes when I was in uni I was running late hungover starving et al, toast HAD to get stuck so got tongs to pull it. Got zapped. This is why I am the way I am today. Don’t **** with toast.

Have you ever dropped your phone on your face?
No but a couple of times I've dozed off while reading in bed and dropped my Amazon Fire tablet on it. Ouch. Rude awakening lol

Have you ever dropped your phone in a toilet?
No but Nearly! Also nearly did an Elvis.

Have you ever sent a text to family and not noticed an autocorrect?