Tough Bread 2.0

…than, in the distance, as we approached the caste, we saw the " Fiery Snake " making its exit from the castle.
Shifting from left to right in a up-downward motion, spewing volcanic lava out of the mouth.
Clearly, the keeper of the stone fortress trying to alert uninvited guest approaching closer.
It was five o'clock and we all felt the imminent danger... as if the sands of time for us were running low.
There is scarcely a sound to warn you before a plume of white-hot flame suddenly scorches the area, fanning back and forth with raw intensity. The sheer heat is enough to melt hard metals and to bubble stone. None caught within the stream of pure flame can possibly survive. Such intense flames are not the product of wizardry or alchemy—this is dragon fire in our midst, somehow, and our every nerve screams at you to flee.

The serpent's wrath hits like a hammer blow as our minds rush to take in the scene before us. Its body erupts into movement, like several volcanoes exploding at once. Its tail slashes the air, powerfully muscled limbs strike out with terrible claws, even as wings flap and fend off, like great webbed hands. All the while, its huge, fanged maw roars from its sinuous neck, promising death by bite or breath.

Scales part like threadbare cotton where @Creed101 sword slashes the dragon, and the blade shimmers with a radiant blue light. Humming softly as the energy courses through it, the weapon vibrates with potent enchantment as we all ready ourselves to draw draconic blood.

My attack goes wide—but of course, I meant it to. I smirk, the shot ricochets off something behind them. And the attack hits home from a surprising angle.

@Bac Spotting an opening in the dragon's defensive scales, taking careful aim for a vulnerable gap in it's armor. He strikes with exactness and speed. When the attack hits and penetrates that weak spot, it deals more damage than it might have with less precision.

@Radiation grips his axe, lifting it as high as he can over my head, then hurl himself forward. Off balance, without concern for his safety, or any way to parry, using momentum and the weight of the great broad axe to inflict a nasty blow.
As all the action is going on and Creed is slashing he notices the door and tires to dash for it.
Jutting stones lean against one another, forming a crude doorway. A light emanates from the portal—the deep purple of a bruise—beckoning you forward despite its sinister aura. From the portal, you smell fresh earth, tinged with cinnamon. A warmth, completely unknown here, seems to waft from it.
Passing through the door felt like the hopeless voice of a jail cell opening, and then the horrible fate promised by its metallic slam behind you. Now, wrapped in ruby glow and the parching heat, the open land of complete freedom stretches ahead. Everything done here is entertainment for the malicious and insane.
No layer of hell is without its unique horror. The magmafields, the acidic swamps—each level more oppressive and punishing than the last, connected at a primal level by an oppressive air of misery and purest, primal evil.
It would strike you as funny if it weren't so repellent. The landscape of Hell mimics a garden, but instead of pretty lanes of manicured plants, there are bouquets of fatty flesh and gory muscle. A pathway cobbled by skulls is bordered by channels of what must be blood. Scabs float atop the slow flow of crimson liquid, sloughed off from the limbs of overhanging bodies, torn apart and bound together with razor wire to create something like trees. As you stare in horror, a bloodshot eye in one of the trunks of tortured flesh blinks.
(Not wanting to interrupt but just wanted to say you all are really good writers! Especially Janae 👌🏻)
(Not wanting to interrupt but just wanted to say you all are really good writers! Especially Janae 👌🏻)
See the original tough bread. Thanks also this was super fun.

My leg broken and cut up looking at the bloodshot creature. It stares at me looking hungry. Hungry for flesh. I want to sacrifice @Kd. or @Radiation. (Herman.) I think for a second…AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I DO PUSHING THEM TOWARDS THE CREATURES. Then i rush to the door with treasure in hand and look back to see the monsters tearing both their flesh apart it’s gruesome.

Now that i have all this treasure I CAN FINALLY GO GET SOME MORE BREAD!
The screaming stopped, the music ended, but a spirit remains in this place. Perhaps she always will. You know she is still sad, but she no longer seems fearful. You hope that your intervention has ended the evil—that the asylum can now become the haunt of all the little living things that take up residence, living rent free in your head, in the ruins. But when you hear the ghost’s melancholy voice cry out to you again, it feels like a vain hope.
Time to break bread.

The End