what are you going to do for pride month

Fair enough -All off topic have gone to EE random comments where people can have at it

ty all
You forgot this one, Tommy Tough Nuts :

Equality does not mean one group of people having something another group of people don't have I see no straight pride month, no straight pride flag and it's not pride 'month' it's pride year, every day of every month. Pride month = people naked on the streets while children are there, depravity on the streets. Sexuality is not an achievement.

Maybe a month to celebrate people who actually did something for society like a month to honour and celebrate the people who gave their life fighting for our freedoms in wars would be good instead of a month dedicated to people for just "being who the are"
You should learn to read properly. Guess what those comments pertain too? Pride month, rainbow flags etc like I said.
Then don't selectively move posts. You left in his first post and others that derailed the thread to begin with.
off topic Posts are either moved or will be as they are seen/ reported. Including yours-

Chill Leopard GIF
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im going to parade in the streets half naked, & on at least 7 different drugs…

& corrupt children with my evil sapphic homo witch magic, turning them all gay & transexual 👹