
Active Member
Just posted in Adult so I could say D.ick tbh.

Would you rather hammer your di.ck to a 2x4 and live like that for the rest of your life.

Or would you rather tie your d.ick and balls to a jet and then the jet takes off

Would you rather; every time you blinked something in the universe somewhere was severely suffering every time you did.

Or, would you rather; every time you took one step there is a 15% chance something will die.

Would you rather live to 135 but die a very painful death.

Or live till you are 26 and have a great time and a peaceful passing.

Would you rather have the ability to see people naked but it gives them cancer if you stare too long.

Or would you rather have the ability to be invisible to anyone who isn’t directly related to you and those who are related to you see you naked when you use your ability.
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I don't really want to see people naked , well selected few but I like the idea of staring at them and giving them cancer so I will take that one.
“Well selected few”

That got me

Dying Laughing Lol GIF by Desus & Mero
Yeah I guess that means you have the power to give anyone cancer so you could really f.uck people over. Your boss. Your ex. The person who cut you off. The possibilities are endless.
Would you rather hammer your di.ck to a 2x4 and live like that for the rest of your life.

Or would you rather tie your d.ick and balls to a jet and then the jet takes off
Someone's been watching too much jackass 😂

Probably the jet
Would you rather lay in bed for 10 hours with poison snakes biting you all the time.

or would you rather fall off a 500ft cliff.
Would you rather chop your own balls off for a bag of stale potato chips, or put your hands in an industrial strength blender for a new car.
I understand you like extremes but animal abuse is a bit much.
It’s not animal abuse it’s would you rather.

I’m not actually microwaving puppies nor kittens, merely exploring the concept, which would you prefer? It’s obviously very difficult to decide because they are both equally questionable from a morality standpoint.