Would you rather?

Damn this one is hard.., prob work from home tho

Would you rather wear pants 3 sizes too big or shoes 3 sizes too small?
Pack my own house because I hate when people help me move my stuff

Would you rather have a million dollars but be unhappy with your life or be poor and happy with your life?
Cruise ship. Doubles as a home. Yes you could live on the plane but a ship would have more room.

If your parents divorced and both alive, would you rather live with your Mum or Dad?
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This one is hard since they both did **** to me growing up and they both should have never been parents. I pick my dad though because at least he taught me that I can never rely on someone that I need to put my big girl panties on and figure it out myself. 🤷‍♀️

Would you rather have a chocolate shake or a vanilla shake?
House work hands down. I am bad outside lol.

Would you rather go to jail or would you rather have the most miserable life?
This one is hard since they both did **** to me growing up and they both should have never been parents. I pick my dad though because at least he taught me that I can never rely on someone that I need to put my big girl panties on and figure it out myself. 🤷‍♀️

Would you rather have a chocolate shake or a vanilla shake?
My condolences, I wasn't trying to bring up bad memories. I apologies if I did.

Go to jail. Jail isn't permanente.
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