[April] PYF! (Post Your Face)

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Oh I’m a thirsty bitch too don’t worry
This is good to know, and duly noted :love:
For the record, I was very much including myself in that.
where you all thirsty before or after becoming mods? @DynamicDylan @Jackobeem @Ks_guy @Inkandtatts
Harry Potter Snape Always GIF
I'm anything but frivolous.. I take it very seriously, thank you very much.
Well the rest need to follow your lead. Pretty soon there’s gonna be a concoction of man juice curdling in Dylan and I don’t want to have to deal with the smell
Well the rest need to follow your lead. Pretty soon there’s gonna be a concoction of man juice curdling in Dylan and I don’t want to have to deal with the smell
Well, if he keeps it in like a good boy, you won't have to worry. (Sorry @Inkandtatts I couldn't be bothered to move to the smut thread to reply, I know you like to police that)
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