[April] PYF! (Post Your Face)

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I like to consider myself an equal opportunity lover. If you’re good enough, I’ll use you. I’m more concerned with who has been between your legs than what you have between your legs
I don’t have STI’S between my legs so we all good 😂
I want to be present when Dylan offers you his ring…
Omg won't it be so romantic :) I asked @NorCal what I should do to impress him. He said @DynamicDylan isn't the marrying type but my DM's say otherwise haha :p

Valentines Day Love GIF by Boomerang Official
Excuse me, both of you, I’m trying to protect the sanctity of marriage and you’re turning it into a vulgar display of depravity
I shall be leaving forums after today and dedicating my life to the Lord. I can’t be a part of this disgusting collective of depraved degenerates anymore. Goodbye
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