Festive Random Comments

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Have you ever noticed that stupid, ignorant and uneducated people seem to go through life unaffected by anything and it is us that are affected?

@H.R. PufnStuf is the perfect example of this.

Maybe we can learn a little something from these stupid people and be less 'Everything is fucked, FLICK everything?

Just a thought.
HI Heathen, I know you dont like me personally, (mainly because you tag me with fivolous posts )-but in keeping with the spirit of the season ill want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Joyous New year :)
Joyeux Noel GIF by Simon Super Rabbit
Have you ever noticed that stupid, ignorant and uneducated people seem to go through life unaffected by anything and it is us that are affected?

@H.R. PufnStuf is the perfect example of this.

Maybe we can learn a little something from these stupid people and be less 'Everything is fucked, FLICK everything?

Just a thought.
In 2024 we're all getting lobotomies and gas for our lighting
Math is breaking my mind, the exam is exactly before Christmas aka on Sunday
( I dont even celebrate but its a good excuse to post here )
4 days before Christmas 4yo boy stabbed to death in london

I really really cannot understand this

Because evil doesn’t take a single day off, holiday or not. Apparently neither do pervs. Because no matter if it’s a holiday or whatever, AC and SC are always packed full. Sometimes we are even MORE crowded on the holidays.
Anyway, that’s really sad about the boy who was murdered 😔
Every time I see the whole general chat mod squad, read the mod fourms together I get scared, because the last time I seen them like this is when I was banned. Oi
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