Festive Random Comments

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Does anyone else have to endure being paid early and now will have to wait 90 years until January pay
Yeah, what do they expect? You to have children to buy gifts for last minute? Fuçk no :rolleyes:
The only thing I miss about January working in retail is declining refunds over the 15 day policy.

Watch them fume with their size 40 turkey drumstick shaped arse trying to get into a size 12.

Bye Karen xxx
u guy should try living everyday like ur in an anime as i do,

suddenly all ur problems go away & everything starts to no longer matter... its great 🍶
4 day weekend...with 16 hours of sick time still left this year...looks like i'll be working one day next week...maybe
complaints go into the void...if the void doesn't get back to you within 5.3 seconds, clearly it wasn't meant to be. diminish your expectations and internalize your trauma. Bitch, we're all insignificant peons to the master of chat.
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