Festive Random Comments

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I hope those 2 cockroaches who murdered Brianna ghey get the same fate.

fkn sick of “we can’t name for legal reasons” BOLLOCKS
yeah i get a premade graham cracker crust you don't even have to bake. couple boxes of instant pudding. the boxes usually have the recipe for the pie on them. you use less milk so it's thicker than regular pudding. bob's your uncle choc pudding pie

after my grandma passed no one wanted to make it not because they didnt like it. not sentimental either, they just thought it too hard. ( she always talked it up as too hard) i did it with the graham cracker crust, but i was told it was the wrong crust. so now i make 2 graham 2 pie crust. i also make the deviled eggs and the onion stick things
That’s Ryan G aka Chris Hemsworth/ aka Irish Thor. He just loves me too much.
i gathered that but i mean ive been praying to the advent calendar god and everything! i say instead of giving me a chocolate make screem admin... but every day its just a chocolate & a coin at that, not even a gold bar!!!

stg purp jr cheaped out on the advent calendars this year! imma have to bring back the dead elf to take my revenge!
Why are mri’s so expensive? I literally have to work almost 2 days to even pay this off. 🤦‍♀️ $247. After being in a machine for 45 minutes. Ridiculous.
Cause it ain't Canada?
Looool for sure!
I had an ultrasound done on the same day almost $60….
I am going to have to make a payment plan for sure. Thank goodness the actual plan doesn’t cost me money out of my paycheck. I just have a $15 copay for office visits, and I pay 10% of most procedures. Not too shabby I guess… could be worse
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