Gender Affirming Care is a lie.

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life-altering decisions that have such irreversible and devastating consequences.
You literally have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve been on HRT for years. Do you know what that means? ****** it if you need to. You judge what you don’t understand. You don’t know what it means to be trans. Uninformed bigots and transphobes like you are what contributes to the suicide rate and violence against the trans community. You should be ashamed of yourself
After seeing what happened to Billboard Chris in Vancouver, Canada, within a week after the Nashville school shooting in March, I have to wonder if you're taking your cues from the Vancouver police. Just curious.
im not part of this debate. The "keep respectful "was for everyone.
In addition to this transphobic thread, what about the one that got taken down because you said that biracial children should be burned in gasoline. Or petrol as you put it? Explain that one
Wait, what? I'm pretty sure it's that shut in weirdo who sits in VGC all day and gets no attention so he has to try to offend people to get their attention. His name is "bread".
After seeing what happened to Billboard Chris in Vancouver, Canada, within a week after the Nashville school shooting in March, I have to wonder if you're taking your cues from the Vancouver police. Just curious.
Billboard Chris put his hands on someone after inserting himself in front of a group of trans people and violating their space. That's why he was arrested.
Wait, what? I'm pretty sure it's that shut in weirdo who sits in VGC all day and gets no attention so he has to try to offend people to get their attention. His name is "bread".
Yea that was earlier today I saw. It got taken down pretty quick after I saw it. But yea, he said that. Shocking he hasn’t acknowledged it isn’t it? 🙄. Now he’s on an anti trans thread/rant. Corey got banned for just being a douche. Hate speech should definitely be a bannable offense
Yea that was earlier today I saw. It got taken down pretty quick after I saw it. But yea, he said that. Shocking he hasn’t acknowledged it isn’t it? 🙄. Now he’s on an anti trans thread/rant. Corey got banned for just being a douche. Hate speech should definitely be a bannable offense
Wait, I thought he was unbanned last week? I went into Girls chat to see Irish-L and he immediately started raging claiming I'm her bf. I asked him if tge barber ever gave his unibrow a fade and he blocked me.
Wait, I thought he was unbanned last week? I went into Girls chat to see Irish-L and he immediately started raging claiming I'm her bf. I asked him if tge barber ever gave his unibrow a fade and he blocked me.
He was banned here not on Girls Chat. I just logged out and he hasn’t been there tonight since I logged on a couple hours ago. He just needs to be ignored. He hates that most of all tbh.
OP is a **** religious troll

anyone under 18 should not be able to do any long term changes to their body like gender reassignment. There should 100% be more hoops to jump through before doing gender reassignment surgery especially for children and that should 100% stay outside of public schools.

My dads a teacher in a large leftist city and the fact that someone in education could go behind a parents back and enforce that decision is absolutely disgusting.

Let the kid be a fucking kid. This whole promoting and in some cases shoving this sexuality **** at such a young age is so damaging. No one gave a **** about that when I was growing up. If you wanna throw it on those sex-ed classes, fuckin go for it, but past that there needs to be a lot of work with a mental health professional and time to see if this doesn’t just go away.

Don’t need to **** up an under developed child’s growth
I notice how you suddenly went quiet once you realize you’re speaking to a transgender woman. Guess you weren’t expecting that? Well here’s the difference between me and you. I have friends here. Friends that respect me and I respect them. You can’t say the same. Something must be wrong in your life for you to go online and troll a bunch of hate speech. That says a whole lot more about you than it ever will about any of us. Spew your crap all you want. At this point you’re just shouting into a vacuum.
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I think most countries have enough laws to prevent what you like to call 'mutilation' of children.

Most countries would opt for puberty inhibitors prior to opting for 'mutilation', so that the child can mature and make the decision at a more appropriate age.

Having said that, adult that are requesting their genitals to be 'mutilated' have to go through rigorous counselling that can take months, if not years before gender reassignment surgery can and/or will be performed by a surgeon.
As if giving children Irreversible HRT and chemical castration drugs is any better or the viable alternative. Just because their peers are convincing them to. Not to mention there is nothing healthy about children receving HRT. Numerous medical boards have studied the cardiovascular effects HRT takes on childrens bodies and makes them high risk for heart diseases.

The real reason gender affirming care is here for is to mutilitate children for money (no surprise) and its all being exposed.



Adults have the right to do whatever they want with their own bodies but this "movement" to sexualize and draw children into being transgender and forcing surgeries on them is disgusting. A child can not consent because they dont have the physochogical maturity to understand the long term effects are of receiving these life changing surgeries. But somehow we are still allowing children to get their gender "reassigned". This is insanity.

By the way here is your "alternative" treatment. 21 year old woman who started receiving "care" at 16.

She didnt choose to be aggressively indoctrinated by a cult who has lost its grip on reality. She is a victim.
Does this look like a normal 21 year old woman to you?

A child can not consent. We should stop this societal madness that is messing with the way god created us. The people pushing these ideologies are literally pure evil.
You’re free to have your disgusting opinions. But we don’t have to listen to you bigoted people
Then move on from this thread if it hurts you so much to see it.
Thank you. I usually ignore these creeps, however with more and more anti trans bills being passed the lgbtq community already has its back against the wall. And people like this are finding it ok to come out of the dark like the cockroaches they are to openly spread their hate. They shouldn’t be given a platform here or anywhere to do it. I’m not one for cancel culture but these people should be cancelled at every opportunity.
Right, everyone that disagrees with your narrative should be cancelled. Sound very "phobic" wouldnt you say.

c. Explicit content​

In general, this website prohibits the use of explicit content including anything sexual, racial and hateful.
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I think most countries have enough laws to prevent what you like to call 'mutilation' of children.

Most countries would opt for puberty inhibitors prior to opting for 'mutilation', so that the child can mature and make the decision at a more appropriate age.

Having said that, adult that are requesting their genitals to be 'mutilated' have to go through rigorous counselling that can take months, if not years before gender reassignment surgery can and/or will be performed by a surgeon.

It obvious that not very many of you have had to deal with someone that has been impaired by gender dysphoria and are basing your bigotry on the worlds bets selling novel.
Sure, I’d still argue giving a sex change to a child who can’t legally consent would be considered child mutilation but you call it what you want.

Puberty inhibitors also can have some pretty awful side effects to someone who’s questioning themselves at such critical stages of their life. It’s not this “pause” that I feel like you think it is.

As an adult, we can call it modification, not mutilation. I don’t have a problem at all if an adult wants to get gender reassignment surgery.

I’ve spent most of my life growing up around different members of the LGBT and have always given my support to them, but I don’t believe at all that children should be apart of this talk. Again, if it’s to be taught in an appropriate place like a sex education class, great, but why the hell does there need to be this giant ass push to bring children into this **** when they really don’t have a fucking clue
So why report posts on an “opinion” or beg for thread to be closed?

Not everyone agrees.

Sticks and stones may break their bones…. But there will always be something to offend. Scroll past.
Hate speech deserves to be called out. Don’t like it? Scroll past
Then move on from this thread if it hurts you so much to see it.

Right, everyone that disagrees with your narrative should be cancelled. Sound very "phobic" wouldnt you say.
No, just hate mongers, transphobes, homophobes etc should be cancelled. Decent people are about inclusion and acceptance. I’d rather be judged by who I include than who I exclude.
Hate speech is indeed a bannable offense and there is no hate speech here, if there was its been removed. Dont like a difference of opinion then get out of a debate thread.
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