Gender Affirming Care is a lie.

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The person you posted is a fake detransitioner who was outed on Twitter for just grifting for exposure and is naturally balding.
Gee someone calling a detransitioner, a "fake detransitioner" and attacking a person thats been psychologically indoctrinated by a cult because they are disillusioned and questioning their gender.

The point of the "fake detransitioner" you speak of is that she continued to be suicidal and probably excacerbate her original psychological issues despite receiving "affirming care". Gender affirming care is a lie, like the title states.
Let’s unpack this:

Staring fairly reasonably with a debatable (wrong, but debatable) point:

Gender Affirming Care is a lie.

Throwing in something that everyone must agree with to add weight to the point, although making it inflammatory as part of the agenda push:

There's no "care" in mutilating children.

Adding something else factually correct and mixing in an inflammatory statement rather than saying it as it is.
Children cannot consent to being mutilated...

episode 7 no shit GIF by RuPaul's Drag Race

Slap in some religion
Proverbs 8.

Which version? Not seeing anything about child mutilation in there but that’s by the by

California's Senate Bill 107 gives the state the legal right to seize children from other states without parental consent for the purpose of child mutilation.
Donald Trump Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

Read the damn bill before acting as a sheep by following the utter BS you read on social media, written by crazy self-interested (and often self-loathing) waste of atoms


OP doesn’t believe that kids should transition gender. That’s the real debate. Cut all the crap and inflammatory BS and have a proper debate.
Also failed to acknowledge main point.
And that’s the issue with you lot. You pick and choose (ironically) what you want to answer to because it goes towards this so called trend.
Not picking and choosing anything. Wanna have a debate? Fine. But attempting to do so by spreading lies and a false narrative you near from right wing circles and being downright transphobic isn’t the way to do it. The trans community that I’m a part of already faces enough hate so yeah, I will call out the BS when I see it. I thinks what your lot doesn’t like. You wanna be the loudest voice in the room spewing lies and hateful rhetoric without being challenged. I will expose the bigotry and the larger part of society is accepting. You all are the minority. We’re here to stay.
truly ironic that

so basically from wat i just read… everyone who doesnt agree with it, or ur choice shouldnt be allowed to express it but instead totally silenced???

but it’s perfectly permissible for you??? rules for thee & not for me l0l

damn its funny how ur type calls everyone else the nazis
So you totally missed the point. Not surprised. You disagree with people’s choices about how they live their lives, that’s on you. Wanna express that you can do that too. But doing so by spreading lies and misinformation in the most inflammatory way possible using hateful and bigoted rhetoric should and will be called out. That’s the point. You can’t say whatever you want as ugly as possible and cry when you get the backlash. Can’t have it both ways. That’s what really upsets you people. Getting called out for your crap.
sigh... I'm going to weigh in. The topic is actually about gender affirming care, not transgender, and gender affirming care is something I have experience with. For those who don't know, I'm a psychologist.

I am in the minority in my field because I question why we as psychologists give up our duty to diagnose when we see a transgender individual. What I mean is, at the risk of my license, I have to 100% believe a person when they come into my office if they are male and tell me they are female (or vice versa), and then I am required to affirm that and proceed as if it is the truth. My only treatment choice is gender affirming care. No others.

The problem is that I don't do that with any other diagnosis. With depression, anxiety, and so many other issues, one of the main things we try to identify are distortions in cognitions. We spend hours and hours looking at our thoughts and feelings and trying to figure out if they are actually true, and maybe where those thoughts came from.

I could go on and on, but there is truth in the title of this thread. When you go see a mental health professional for this issue, that person is going to affirm the person's identity, no questions asked. I think this is hurting a lot of people.
sigh... I'm going to weigh in. The topic is actually about gender affirming care, not transgender, and gender affirming care is something I have experience with. For those who don't know, I'm a psychologist.

I am in the minority in my field because I question why we as psychologists give up our duty to diagnose when we see a transgender individual. What I mean is, at the risk of my license, I have to 100% believe a person when they come into my office if they are male and tell me they are female (or vice versa), and then I am required to affirm that and proceed as if it is the truth. My only treatment choice is gender affirming care. No others.

The problem is that I don't do that with any other diagnosis. With depression, anxiety, and so many other issues, one of the main things we try to identify are distortions in cognitions. We spend hours and hours looking at our thoughts and feelings and trying to figure out if they are actually true, and maybe where those thoughts came from.

I could go on and on, but there is truth in the title of this thread. When you go see a mental health professional for this issue, that person is going to affirm the person's identity, no questions asked. I think this is hurting a lot of people.
Thank you! Finally, a reasoned post from someone with actual experience around the issue.

This requirement you mention to only apply gender affirming care bothers me a lot. Here’s why:

When I was a kid, I often used to take my mum’s heels and clothes and run around playing in them - much to the horror of my parents (this would have been late 90s/early 00s). I preferred toys that were aimed at girls. Most of my friends were girls. I thought I fancied boys but I think I liked girls too. I had a sexuality issue not a gender issue but I wouldn’t have known that at that age.

I don’t doubt for a second that there are kids born in the wrong body but based on my own experience if I had pushed at that age, the care you mention would have been totally wrong for me.
Hey Wtf .. I Posted A David Bowie Song With Gifs And It's Deleted ? I Thought It Seemed Relevant ... Whatever .

I Wonder Is This Subject Topical Because This Has Political Implications And It's Also Pride Month ...

What Are The Real Numbers Of People With "Gender Affirmation" Issues ... A Very Small Amount Of The Population I Would Think

If This Subject Matter Is Narrowed Down To Minors .. Which It Seems To Be ..

That Makes It Very Sensitive And There Is A Natural Inclination To Protect Children ...

But My Perception Is That This Is Only Topical Because It Is Very Political Now

With The Extreme Hard Right Conservative Republican Bible Pounders Demonizing The LGBTQ Folks

In A Free Society Like The USA People Should Have The Personal Freedom To Be What They Feel Themselves To Be Including Gender

Why Should That Offend Anyone If A Child Identifies With The Opposite Gender Of It's Actual Biological Gender ...

Should They Be Punished For That ... Let Them Be What They Want To Be ... But As Far As Gender Reassignment Surgery ...

That Should Be A Choice For A Young Adult

You Get The Responsibility To Drive A Car At 16 .....Serve In The Military At 17 ...

Then I Should Think 18 Would Be The Age To Choose Gender Reassignment Surgery

If It's Really Needed Then The First 17 Years Of Life Will Give An Individual The Time To Really Discover Themselves

And Realize That Is What they Need And Really Want And When They Become A Legal Adult Then It Is Their Choice .
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Thank you! Finally, a reasoned post from someone with actual experience around the issue.

This requirement you mention to only apply gender affirming care bothers me a lot. Here’s why:

When I was a kid, I often used to take my mum’s heels and clothes and run around playing in them - much to the horror of my parents (this would have been late 90s/early 00s). I preferred toys that were aimed at girls. Most of my friends were girls. I thought I fancied boys but I think I liked girls too. I had a sexuality issue not a gender issue but I wouldn’t have known that at that age.

I don’t doubt for a second that there are kids born in the wrong body but based on my own experience if I had pushed at that age, the care you mention would have been totally wrong for me.
A friend of mine saw a Hispanic biological male in therapy who identified as a transgender female. Through a bunch of therapy she figured out that his family was VERY Mexican (I'm Mexican, so I know what that means). He liked men, but in his family environment, being gay was NOT possible. In his mind, the only way he could like men would be if he was a woman. When my friend presented this to her supervisor (because we weren't licensed yet), she got a stern talking to. She was told, very clearly, that she needs to affirm her patient's identity as a female and that was the ONLY option. She was told to stop asking questions.

Like you, I totally believe that there is a portion of the population who are transgender. The issue is that we can't even ask any questions to try to help figure it out. I'm really disappointed in my profession in this area. I think we are doing a serious disservice to people who really need help.
No one is forcing their kids to transition, trans kids are scared to come out & most stay in the closet for years in silence. Kids are kicked out of their homes and bullied by their peers for being trans regardless if they medically transition. Let pediatricians & therapists and their patients have those conversations to see what is best. it’s just like abortion, it’s seriously no ones business to decide what we do with our bodies.

I’m pro-choice when it comes to abortion, euthanasia and the right to be able to transition.
No one is forcing their kids to transition, trans kids are scared to come out & most stay in the closet for years in silence. Kids are kicked out of their homes and bullied by their peers for being trans regardless if they medically transition. Let pediatricians & therapists and their patients have those conversations to see what is best. it’s just like abortion, it’s seriously no ones business to decide what we do with our bodies.

I’m pro-choice when it comes to abortion, euthanasia and the right to be able to transition.
These people did the same to gay children. This isn't a new trend. The rise in trans is because they now have heroes and feel more comfortable coming out.
These people did the same to gay children. This isn't a new trend. The rise in trans is because they now have heroes and feel more comfortable coming out.
Indeed. It’s good to see them being strengthened and being able to express themselves without shame knowing that they’ve got people to look up to that inspire them to be who they want to be. Freedom of expression is one of the most important things in life. Not being able to define who you are is a crime against humanity.
Indeed. It’s good to see them being strengthened and being able to express themselves without shame knowing that they’ve got people to look up to that inspire them to be who they want to be. Freedom of expression is one of the most important things in life. Not being able to define who you are is a crime against humanity.
What's weird is, the people who claim that parents are forcing their kids to be trans are the ones indoctrinating their kids with religion and their right wing politics.
Notice how all the progressive and liberal countries such as Germany and the Netherlands are in the top 10 when it comes to Human Development? Progressivism leads to development and equal wealth distribution, which in turn leads leads to more wealth, reactionary conservatism leads to stagnation and internal strife caused by social and economic inequality. That’s why US states like New York or Massachusetts are more developed than, let’s say, Alabama or Mississippi.

It’s called strength through diversity and being an open access society.

I sure got a taste of my own medicine last night.

For a long time, I have viewed on ******* podcasts, or clips from podcasts, of people like Matt Walsh. But have never clicked on the Like button to many of those pages. Now, I can't figure out why I never did. And last night when the vicious mob came after me, boy did I feel alone.

But today, I've seen others come to my defense, many with very intelligent responses. Of which I am very grateful. I'll try to do a better job of liking friendly messages when I come across them, or at least saying something. If I don't, however, it doesn't mean I'm not grateful for those messages. Believe me, I am...even if I'm unaware of them. The list of responses to my multiple threads is starting to get a bit difficult to keep up with, but I will try to keep in touch with my threads as I carry on with my life.
puhlease, hurry up & call the care police

if anyone of us is jaded, its you, you're jaded that myself & others won't respect or recognize that u are a fellow woman so u call out to us inflammatory things like being transphobic.. of course i didn't like it when i was faced with prejudice, was that a serious statement? still u don't see me trying to dictate how people think or speak, you have just as much of a right to ignore it as we have to say it... wat makes you holier than thou?

i don't recall saying anything derogatory towards u, so wat exactly was inflammatory that i said i'll never understand, nor care to....

wat? you going to start trying to say to me next *yOu'D tHiNk A lEsBiAn WoUlD bE mOrE aCcEpTiNg oF tRaNs pEoPlE* spare me if you are
Wow looks like you’re another one who doesn’t comprehend what you even say. You know you contradicted yourself don’t you? Oh wait, of course you don’t. No you don’t have to recognize me as a fellow woman. But yea, I am gonna say it’s transphobic. Because it is disrespectful. Like when I worked with a FTM transgender kid and a coworker kept referring to him as she. And yea, you have every right to be a bigot, a transphobe or anything else you wanna aspire to be. Just like I have every right to call you all out for it. That’s what you really don’t like. Being called out. What is surprising to me not gonna lie is how someone who is part of such a marginalized community like the LGTBQ community can be so disrespectful to someone who is also part of that community.

That’s what this whole debate is really about. Respect. Everyone deserves it. You do. I do. We all do. When people devalue someone or a group of people, we have every right to push back.
Notice how all the progressive and liberal countries such as Germany and the Netherlands are in the top 10 when it comes to Human Development? Progressivism leads to development and equal wealth distribution, which in turn leads leads to more wealth, reactionary conservatism leads to stagnation and internal strife caused by social and economic inequality. That’s why US states like New York or Massachusetts are more developed than, let’s say, Alabama or Mississippi.

It’s called strength through diversity and being an open access society.

And they call the the progressive states that are Blue, that generate tge most money and production "sh*tholes" because they're democratically run. Kinda like how they'll bash colleges saying they're liberal they call it Communist camps. They also trust some YT streamer with a bunch of jars of GFUEL and Funko Pops behind them over educated professionals. It's truly mind numbing idiocy.
Absolutely based.

One thing I wanted to add is that statistics show that suicide is actually MORE likely after people undergo "gender affirming care"
I'll add another thing my ****** edgewood, the statistics come from them being bullied, not because they regret gender affirming care. Suicides among tge gay community were just as high during the 90s then dropped drastically once gay people were not only accepted but protected.
I'll add another thing my ****** edgewood, the statistics come from them being bullied, not because they regret gender affirming care. Suicides among tge gay community were just as high during the 90s then dropped drastically once gay people were not only accepted but protected.
Bullying may be part of the equation but there is certainly more to it, because even today in the most socially accepting period in all of history, the suicide rate among gays is higher than it is for straight people
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