Have you ever? (Game)

Yes, many times. Nowadays it's my wife's old college sweatshirt, which is perfectly broken in and comfy. People in our neighborhood think I'm the one that went to her school at this point. Before that, various items but my favorite was the t-shirt dress I ended up with one morning. Never would have bought one off the rack for myself but I wore that thing until it was shredded basically.

Have you ever stolen something and returned it to it's rightful owner?
No. That would change things for me and I like where I am right now.

Have you ever tried to change someone's world view and succeeded?
No. It'd be a bit shocking if the answer was yes given my age.

Have you ever been?
Same. Let's go together!

No. I imagine it would be incredibly awkward.

Have you gone on a blind date and/or speed date?
Do you mean like from an app- total random person? If so yes.

Have you ever thrown a shoe at anyone?
One of our dogs is a rescue and was originally a stray in Italy so yes.

Have you ever hand fed a wild bird?
Loolol...well...it was just a lick. He wouldn't eat and was trying to figure out why.

Ever had to let down gently, a person who showed interest in you?
Many many times and a few outright GTFOs as well. Before I met my current boyfriend I really just wasn't that interested in dating.

Have you?
Yes. I believe it's an act of kindness to be upfront and not string anyone along.

Have you ever been friend zoned?