Mod power abuse

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@aCinna Don't warn people who aren't breaking the rules, We all know your a mod but please don't make people seem like they are violating the teens rules.

I've read the Teen Chat Rules and nowhere have I seen people arguing is against the rules. @Seyma arise from your sleep and create a rule about starting arguments, or tell your mod to f*ck off with the fighting warnings.
Still new to forums but I will try to attach relevant screenshots.
First ss should be Cadbury entering the side room and tagging catmasterson, who then replies to Cadbury a few minutes later. They both proceed to instigate something, so I tell them not to fight, twice. catmasterson does tag Cadbury again and I do DM him to stop tagging Cadbury, and I'm met with Cadbury calling me names like "snake ass," "weirdass," and of course "mfer," and insults telling me to "get the **** off the site" if I don't do my job properly. Which I did, up until the point I did not take action against either user, and here we are, in this "mod abuse" thread.
Let me get this straight

You didn’t get muted, kicked, banned. You made a thread cause someone who you don’t like tags you. You reported this to a mod, created drama and got warned. You don’t use the ignore button so you can come back everyday and make stupid threads like this?… what kind of clown show is this?

Where is the part where I talk shìt to you? Oh wait, it’s here.. you don’t use the ignore button CAUSE you are STUBBORN asf and just want all this drama and now you are trying to show people how we are? While you got banned before in an other room for being a troll?? What??? Both you and him got warned (yes, just a warning where you are crying about). We advised you nicely to use the ignore button and report the stuff by using flags when that user creates a guest account to come harass you (never ever seen a flag report from you about all this). Mya’s ban got expired, if she or someone else harasses you or makes guests accounts to do it, you REPORT IT. Don’t see the part where you showed these forums people our ‘real’ us, only thing you showed them is how stubborn you are lol.

Again, you will get warned/kicked if you do not stop harassing / creating drama or anything like that, so behave and the advise we give you.. use the ignore button so you can get your peace.. and these poor forum users too.

A ss of my beautiful rule list that most people ignore, except @Unholy who just read it xo
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@Ness_eb @Apollo @Samwise this thread can be closed, thank you!
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