The recommendation thread


New Member
Whether you're an avid reader or not, most people have read at least one book that they couldn't put down. Well, recommend it/them here!

I love pretty much everything written by Stephen King, but there are other faves of mine I'd recommend too:

Paullina Simmons - Road to Paradise
Victoria Hislop - The Island
Audrey Niffenegger - The Time Traveller's Wife (also a film)
A. M. Homes - This Book Will Save Your Life
William Golding - Lord of the Flies
John Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men

I have looooooooads more, I'm book crazy, but that's just a few for now off the top of my head. Tell me your favourites, feel free to give a little description too if you like, or say why you enjoyed it :)
dbsjhbs i have so many.

but these are my favorites.

american psycho - bret easton ellis.
fight club/choke/invisible monsters - chuck palahniuk.
anything by vonnegut.
the pillowman - martin mcdonagh ( a play, but still)
naked - david sedaris.
i am the messenger - markus zusak.
house of leaves - mark z. danielewski.
everything is illuminated - jonathan safran foer.
looking for alaska - john green.
going bovine - libba bray.
Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
1984 - George Orwell
Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
100 Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
To Kill a Mocking Bird - Harper Lee.
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson.
Carrie - Stephen King.
The Time Travellers Wife - Audrey Niffenegger.

The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett.

-- Will add more when i can be bothered thinking hard enough.
Love Lord of the Flies.

A Company of Swans - Eva Ibbotson
The Fall - Albert Camus
Stranger - Albert Camus
Night ( and Dawn and Day) - Elie Wiesel
Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
Cujo - Stephen King
The Pigman & The Pigman's Legacy - Paul Zindel (Such cute books)
my favorites. too lazy to list more.
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Tommorow When The War Began By John Marsden


If your not into reading or want your children to start. This book will keep them on the edge of there seat.
I can't remember some author's names, but:

"Rifles for Watie"
"Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck (and anything by John Steinbeck)
Anything by Nicholas Sparks
"Animal Farm"
Ok this might be a bit sad but im only just getting over harry potter withdrawal... :p

but Im reading
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Madela
I thought it would be a drag but it is really good. The things that happened in South Africa were terrible, its a part of recent history that we should all know about
The Road Less Traveled - M. Scott Peck
Anything by Stephen King (especially the Dark Tower series)
Pillars of The Earth - Ken Follet
Anything by Jeffrey Archer
Every book from the Chicken Soup for the Soul series
Troy series (3 books) - David Gemmel
Legend - DAvid Gemmell
Left to Tell - Immaculee Ilibagiza
Ohhhh I like this thread.

House of Leaves By Mark Z. Danielewski

one of my favorites.

I'm gonna sticky this.​
I've read the Woman in white by Wilkie Collins part of my course but a great book.
Anything by James Pattenson
The Woods by Harlen Coben
The Good guy Harlen Coben
The Jester James Pattenson and James Cross
The New Centurions Joseph Wambaugh
The Women's Murder Club Series James Pattenson and James Cross
Plea of Insanity Jilliane Hoffman
Why the hell do you people like Lord of the Flies? Its the biggest load of BS i ever read. We did it in school as a prescribed book, and theres even a movie on it that we watched.


Anything by Dan Brown.
Jock of the Bushveld - Sir Percy Fitzpatrick
Circles in a Forest - Dalene Matthee
Fiela's Child - Dalene Matthee
I really don't like the James Patterson books; everyone here is recommending them. If you're gonna read crime, you gotta do it old school like Agatha Cristie or I dunno, I quite like Sue Grafton novels. They're pretty gentle/tame compared to books nowadays. The recent ones have got pretty crap, though but the beginning of the series was good.
I read a ridiculous amountttt.
Sophie's world - Jostein Gardner (?) something like that. It's a book on philosophy, it's pretty good.
Anything by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I love his stuff.
Feeling sorry for Celia - some teenage girl book but it's fucking hilarious.
i'll add some more stuff laterrr, i'm tired.

I'm gonna sticky this.​

Nice one.

The Road - Cormac McCarthy. In 2 sittings I've read 250 pages. It is like crack to me.

Totally! I read it in one or two sittings. Epic book. The film follows it quite loyally too; not that films are ever as good as the book.

Why the hell do you people like Lord of the Flies? Its the biggest load of BS i ever read. We did it in school as a prescribed book, and theres even a movie on it that we watched.

Hahaha we had to watch that film after we read the book too.
I really don't like the James Patterson books; everyone here is recommending them. If you're gonna read crime, you gotta do it old school like Agatha Cristie or I dunno, I quite like Sue Grafton novels. They're pretty gentle/tame compared to books nowadays. The recent ones have got pretty crap, though but the beginning of the series was good.
I read a ridiculous amountttt.
Sophie's world - Jostein Gardner (?) something like that. It's a book on philosophy, it's pretty good.
Anything by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I love his stuff.
Feeling sorry for Celia - some teenage girl book but it's fucking hilarious.
i'll add some more stuff laterrr, i'm tired.

Fair point Emma I don't mind Patterson or James Cross Dean Koontz is OK. I could never really get into Agatha Christie same as Arthur Connan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes books I'm not all that struck on Stephen King a lot like him but to me he's like the Big Mac of literature either like him or hate him. :lol:
Other books I've loved.

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte I love the passion and dark moods of this book
Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte Not as good as Wuthering Heights but a great book
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austin Love her or hate her you can't deny her love of the people she writes about.
Hard Times by Charles Dickens A really difficult book to get into but typical Dickens a social comment of the times.
Animal Farm by George Orwell in my opinion not as good as 1984. But gives you a good look into his political views.
1984 By George Orwell Not much to say just a great book.
UnLundun by China Mieville A kind of fantasy under the streets of London weird but in a good way.
I know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou I read this one at school and had to hide it so my Grandma never saw it. I loved it, it had me crying rivers at times but I so love this woman who has suffered so much in her life
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