WHO should the Female UM be??? πŸ‘ΌπŸΌ

Who Should The Female UM Be?????

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@Ness_eb, @Apollo, @H.R. PufnStuf, @babydolla;

can one of u please do something about @ryrytime before he completely derails the thread, & turns it into a clusterfuck that ends up just getting it locked...

i would rly appreciate that, truly 😘


We have already had a female UM before.

we should do it again, i think it was a mistake not deliberately hiring another female to be UM after the former was removed πŸ™ŽπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
to bad this thread was allowed to go fromgreat comment to a spamfest... it really is a valid point and good suggestion
Problem is we had this suggestion before and it was all but ignored. Most of us have been saying for a while we need you and Kim back. And not just because you’re women. Because you’re the best people for the job