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@H.R. PufnStuf Boba Fett is a nonce/troll/catfish hiding under an alt account called 'ema' posing as a teen girl in gen chat... might want to check that out.
You're literally the pedophile who clones me and spams child p*rn.
@Ness_eb Why is this guy (who was banned for posting porn in the teens forum) not banned for ban evading?
He has been banned for a while. He was trying to access forums and he gets a ban message
Yes but Triggering is him lol
MY BAD I cant keep track of all the trolls on here you did say GC but , Still dudes not what you claim
That's my clone you're replying to
You're literally the pedophile who clones me and spams child p*rn.
@Ness_eb Why is this guy (who was banned for posting porn in the teens forum) not banned for ban evading?

great, now that he's gone we can get back on topic;

Speaking of which, do you roleplay as a dog in General like you did in Singles? Asking for a few friends............

that must explain all the comments about barking
I'm not defending anything fuckwit but if you're going to make sweeping generalisations about other countries when you're from a well known kiddy fiddling country then maybe get your own house in order first retard.
LOL That's what you go with ? Like America only has those " types " of people ? Give me a BREAK the WORLD is loaded with predators & pedophiles . Unbelievable is all I can say . Nice attempt to cover your ass though I have to give you that .
LOL That's what you go with ? Like America only has those " types " of people ? Give me a BREAK the WORLD is loaded with predators & pedophiles . Unbelievable is all I can say . Nice attempt to cover your ass though I have to give you that .
That dude is British. Not like it's a matter of "Well our country has less pedos so there!" But their people in power have a problem with punishing those they know are pedophiles, see : Jimmy Savile, some of the royal family. Our people do the same. The fact of the matter is, why does he care when he is one himself?
Oh look at the clown , I said those marriages at an young age in ancient ages was a cultural thing, I did not call pedophilia cultural thing anywhere. Also note nowhere I supported that culture.

Fukin dumbass criminal you doing drama here? Rascal get out 🤬👉

Now will you say historians are pedos too who wrote these historical facts in books. Stating a fact is not a crime dumbass. These things are taught in even school.
Ok so just because marriage was allowed with minors many years ago doesn’t make it okay period 🤢 that **** is disgusting anyone who supports that is sick asf and any “historian” that was into it many years ago was sick asf and should’ve been executed a bit sooner. That **** shouldn’t even be a thing thats so messed up to do to a kid. Imagine you’re 13 and your parents marry you off to be with a 30 year old man..does that really sound okay to you? If so that means you are mentally ill something is wrong with you no grown adult should consent to being with a kid and no one should be supporting that even it was stated a “historical fact” those historians that consented to that **** should’ve been executed sooner than expected.
Ok so just because marriage was allowed with minors many years ago doesn’t make it okay period 🤢 that **** is disgusting anyone who supports that is sick asf and any “historian” that was into it many years ago was sick asf and should’ve been executed a bit sooner. That **** shouldn’t even be a thing thats so messed up to do to a kid. Imagine you’re 13 and your parents marry you off to be with a 30 year old man..does that really sound okay to you? If so that means you are mentally ill something is wrong with you no grown adult should consent to being with a kid and no one should be supporting that even it was stated a “historical fact” those historians that consented to that **** should’ve been executed sooner than expected.
I do agree with you on this that such marriages are detrimental to the child and currently a crime too in many places. It's never right. But can you show one place where I supported it? No. Nor did the historians support it. I was just stating those facts about the history of this world to help them understand the nuances between terminology. In ancient ages it was a common event in many places and many popular figures went through this unfortunate thing. My point was in context that instead of judging each other in rush we should calmly evaluate everything. Nither me nor any historian supported it.

The reason I was saying this because the term "p-do" is often unknown to these people who have no real understanding of what it means , they just use it to bash whoever they hate these days. The other day someone told me in room they got called p-do because they talk to a 17 year old. I mean what on earth.. this kind of mentality is as **** as p-dophilia and this should stop , that's what I was saying. But babydolla as a criminal when she got exposed about her impersonated photoshopped ss and multiple guest account attack badly in my previous post tried to distract by misusing people's emotions and misrepresenting me. But I have explained it even more. There should not be any room left for confusion.
These screenshots were sent to me by a concerned underage chatter today from General Chat main. They were wondering why this person is saying it’s ok to be a paedophile because a lot of famous people and religious people were.

Rather disturbing. I also have the original uncropped versions if needed. I think the Timezone is EST (America).

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Are we in the habit of normalising preying on children because it’s in history? That’s like saying it’s ok to own slaves because George Washington did? And I don’t want to hear crap about context. This is just so wrong.
These screenshots were sent to me by a concerned underage chatter today from General Chat main. They were wondering why this person is saying it’s ok to be a paedophile because a lot of famous people and religious people were.

Rather disturbing. I also have the original uncropped versions if needed. I think the Timezone is EST (America).

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View attachment 962009

Are we in the habit of normalising preying on children because it’s in history? That’s like saying it’s ok to own slaves because George Washington did? And I don’t want to hear crap about context. This is just so wrong.
Well what you shared on screenshot I already wrote above, you fool. This is the reason you should go study and be educated instead of being cognitively dysfunctional here wasting resources.

You are literally calling people who are respected among millions pedos like a stupid fool. First of all I never said it is ok to be pedo in fact I called it a mental illness , secondly I said they were married at those ages and I didn't support it either. Also there is a huge difference between marriage and pedophilia, these are all different terms which only uneducated ******** don't get.

Also if you your dumb brain needs more explanation, I put a question mark there. And said we need to evaluate and not judge based on assumptions. Which is a truth universally.

So I just proved you are a liar and also a misinformation rumor spreader. Get off your nonsense already. No more talk on these crappy logics from a man child or a spoilt random kid on this site please. Let someone talk who is mentally stable.

Truth always wins, no matter how much you want to distort it ✝️❤️
… there is a huge difference between marriage and pedophilia, these are all different terms which only uneducated ******** don't get.
There’s really something wrong with your mind if you think marriage or any kind of relationship of that nature with a child is ok.

Tell you what, Campy. Why don’t you go take this up with a court of law and see what they have to say? Maybe discuss your views with a police officer? Or a therapist.
He starting to remind anybody of Ezz in the way he talks? No? Just me. Okay.

Wow, this was a fun read.

I love how people EXPLODE when they get busted. It never ceases to amaze me.
Look at these frustrated dumbass criminals above. Some even juvenile criminals lol. Anyway, if anyone makes any sense and speaks truth, talk again otherwise I am dropping it coz I have exposed these criminals already. Dogs bark, Lions roar 🦁✝️


You can see me and multiple other users had suspected that babydolla is creating guest ids to attack me and slander me and one such account was banned too in general room. She did exact same thing here violating rules writing the EXACT SAME THING(see the quoted thing and the ss from yesterday), and also creating fake screenshot to defame me. She is caught red-handed. She should be banned everywhere if the site authority cares for this site.

Ok let's see another thing. Almost all pms are being recorded by me after what babydolla did because I knew she would do something like this again. Let's see a real chat ss from the very same date and see what my response was -


I was observing certain guests and other users were sending me multiple pms so this one might be babydolla too she is full time creep. Nonetheless see in the pm I clearly said I am interested in my age or older women and if least I will date someone above 19. Which is above teen age. Completely opposite to the claim of fake ss on this thread. For your info this is the original ss from 5 December 2023 the stipulated date of OP ss and i have other chat screenshots too which can prove the OP posts ss are false or impersonated (maybe using other site)or fake. This can be confirmed by site admin or CM too.

In previous post, with enough evidence I had proved that babydolla's ss was photoshopped or fake. (Which can be found on this link: )Let's see a real ss from few days ago of that incident.


You can clearly see I asked her not to be mean to me in main room , the very same thing which was told by me in her pms 20 hours ago she created the fake ss drama. Which can be further validated by countless proof of her hate speech in main room and me informing the issue of past pm to admin and on forum too. In the fake fabricated ss of babydolla you can see Campy is begging for sex but in this original ss Camp is giving her freedom and letting her go and there is nothing sexual. Because I never which can be confirmed by previous crushes , begged for sex or sent anything sexual to any woman in pm because I am not that kind of person.

@H.R. PufnStuf I gave few more proofs exposing babydolla and her defamatory crimes. I have been on this site for more than 1 year now there have been no such accusation against me except by this troll , nowhere in ss nowhere in system. I believe she should be banned for inappropriate content posting against minors only to falsely defame me.

Finally this boba fett dude is speaking lies against me despite knowing that I am innocent and supporting the rumor of me getting banned in singles for perversion which is absolute lie which I am going to show you he himself admitted see this -


The truth is I was banned unfairly by some lobbying and because Dylan didn't like me and he didn't specify any reason in my ban reason let alone sexual perversion. A lot of users said My ban was unfair. I have proof of all of these.

His gf General Chat mod Amandaalorian also liking these defamatory lying posts even though she very well know babydolla's photoshopping history.

These people are Hypocrite slanderers nothing else and they hate me because I love Jesus. (John 15 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you)

I have exposed them totally. @Chatmaster intervene and remove these criminals.

In the end, Jesus Christ wins, Hallelujah ✝️👑
Anyway, everyone has shared there opinions and claims for and against and I too have given my response with adequate proof from my end for now defending against and tbh exposing the OP post false allegations(which in fact is hillarious) in this quoted post. Now what is happening is mocking trolling and diversion with unnecessary fights. So I believe this whole thread can be closed for now. Upto @Ness_eb @H.R. PufnStuf

P.S. I am not responding to anymore non-sense here wasting my time, rather leaving this thread for now. Shalom ✝️❤️
Look at these frustrated dumbass criminals above. Some even juvenile criminals lol. Anyway, if anyone makes any sense and speaks truth, talk again otherwise I am dropping it coz I have exposed these criminals already. Dogs bark, Lions roar 🦁✝️

Anyway, everyone has shared there opinions and claims for and against and I too have given my response with adequate proof from my end for now defending against and tbh exposing the OP post false allegations(which in fact is hillarious) in this quoted post. Now what is happening is mocking trolling and diversion with unnecessary fights. So I believe this whole thread can be closed for now. Upto @Ness_eb @H.R. PufnStuf

P.S. I am not responding to anymore non-sense here wasting my time, rather leaving this thread for now. Shalom ✝️❤️

probablys a good idea u stop responding to this thread,

all u do with every reply is make the entire situation worse for urself, literally digging ur own grave with every single post u make in it…

u havent managed to prove anything about me, let alone ur own *innocence* in fact the more u carry on the more that is exposed about u…

so just stop, bc ur already fuckeddd
I doubt he would listen lol goes in one ear and out the other with clear evidence laid out in front of him “ I’m investigating it” what else is there to investigate….

yeah i'm not exactly sure wat there needs to be investigated still at this point in the thread, so lets re-cap;

1. i post my screen shot of wat he says to me in pm, & bc i didnt report it first it was noted but not enforced upon 💁🏼‍♀️

& then the can of worms were opened below 👇🏼

2. anonynmous stranger from singles traps him into a conversation where he reveals @Camp Real pedophiliac beliefs & then makes this thread sharing the screen shots on the forums with everyone 💁🏼‍♀️

3. Campy then bashes the mods, & calls them criminals & pedophiles bc they don't believe him & his claims that the evidence against him is fabricated 💁🏼‍♀️

4. @Camp Real then goes after feverously trying to convince everyone that the screen shots are fake & that the OP along with a bunch of random guests accounts is me, he goes & posts about pretty much exactly wat the content of the screen shots displays in the main chat defending pedophilia & how its not a crime; which was reported by urs truly 💁🏼‍♀️

(note; that when he tried defending himself he included screen shots to indian websites defending pedophilia, & one from a quora question that he tried to edit his post to remove, but i managed to capture it in a quote to that reply in my response to that before he could successfully embellish his own post)


5. the admin from singles comes & contributes to the thread, practically confirming that wat is happening here is precisely why he was banned from singles 💁🏼‍♀️

6. then a mod from another chat comes & provides more screen shots confirming wat all these screen shots prove all along that he does in fact think it's fine to marry & therefore consummate that marriage with underage girls 💁🏼‍♀️

i just summed up the entire investigation in 15 minutes, short of sending a teenager a photo of his rotten DlCK he broke every rule designed to prevent ppl like him from being able to interact with children...

did i miss anything???
@H.R. PufnStuf

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