Corrupt a wish

Wish granted but a kindess tax is implemented on the planet.

I wish McDonaldโ€™s fries dipped in strawberry milkshake was more popular than pineapple on pizza.
Wish granted. Now pizza shops are selling pizzas with strawberries and pizza toppings which in turn makes them popular than the fries at McDonald's

I wish to unsee that BritishAndProud picture and have my eyes perfectly intact with 20-20 vision
Wish granted. Now pizza shops are selling pizzas with strawberries and pizza toppings which in turn makes them popular than the fries at McDonald's

I wish to unsee that BritishAndProud picture and have my eyes perfectly intact with 20-20 vision
I've seen what you look like, I don't think you're in any position to criticise someones appearance ๐Ÿคก
I've seen what you look like, I don't think you're in any position to criticise someones appearance ๐Ÿคก
have yer seen wot i look like?

Man Thinking GIF
Wish granted but the time changes on random days just to keep people guessing.

I wish people would think of others as they think of themselves.
Wish granted but theyโ€™d forever be lonely.

I wish that water had a different flavour each time you poured a glass.
Wish granted the weather is beautifully perfect but you are sick and can't get out to enjoy it.

I wish I owned a petting zoo full of loveable animals from around the world.
Wish granted. The animals are loveable, but they don't love you back. They also have a taste for human flesh.

I wish inflation would stop.
Wish granted you have a dragon but its not trained and its 4 inches long.

I wish I could get a new tattoo. Its time.