Gender Affirming Care is a lie.

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what happens when one of these male children grow up & they get prostate cancer??? are they still girls?? bc only men has prostates l0l
Males should masturbate regularly... to keep those channels flowing ( preventing prostate cancer )

PS. Prostate juice is a part of the therapy for both males and females.
Too bad that Memorial Day is only for one day and not an entire month. I'm thankful for the freedoms I have because of what Memorial Day in contrast to what my internet opponents demand from the censors. Which is to use censorship to silence speech they disagree with. I know my freedom of speech is bit like the success of the 1991 hit movie The Silence Of The Lambs to my opponents here. It really gets under the skin of those people. Get it? Gets under the skin? Get it?
Too bad that Memorial Day is only for one day and not an entire month. I'm thankful for the freedoms I have because of what Memorial Day in contrast to what my internet opponents demand from the censors. Which is to use censorship to silence speech they disagree with. I know my freedom of speech is bit like the success of the 1991 hit movie The Silence Of The Lambs to my opponents here. It really gets under the skin of those people. Get it? Gets under the skin? Get it?
You do realize the entire month of June is military appreciation month, right? But they have a spine and don't care if it's not widely promoted.

Freedom of speech was made for the press to freely report on their findings without the government imprisoning them. It wasn't made with in mind "Gonna posr something really really hateful and stupid that'll put multiple people into a mind numbing coma. I expect no backlash, no bans, and everyone will have to accept more unfounded claims as being factual."
You do realize the entire month of June is military appreciation month, right? But they have a spine and don't care if it's not widely promoted.

Freedom of speech was made for the press to freely report on their findings without the government imprisoning them. It wasn't made with in mind "Gonna posr something really really hateful and stupid that'll put multiple people into a mind numbing coma. I expect no backlash, no bans, and everyone will have to accept more unfounded claims as being factual."
People like you that I've soundly defeated in another thread, and who has proven to be worthy of being in a straightjacket, aren't worth my time. I've spent enough time dismantling your arguments from earlier in the day.
People like you that I've soundly defeated in another thread, and who has proven to be worthy of being in a straightjacket, aren't worth my time. I've spent enough time dismantling your arguments from earlier in the day.
Ah yes, another reply that ignores the fact I made a valid point that you have no way of responding to that'll give you the upper hand.

It's over Anakin, I have the high ground.
"We need more voices. We need to prove that we're the majority. I know we are. But right now, we're catering to the minority because silence is complicity and we have too many people being silent."
--Riley Gaines, in the aftermath of her being kidnapped in California for three hours because a mob didn't like her free speech
Ah yes, another reply that ignores the fact I made a valid point that you have no way of responding to that'll give you the upper hand.

It's over Anakin, I have the high ground.
Anytime creeps like him start saying they won an argument and aren’t gonna respond anymore, it really means they have nothing intelligent to add.
Anytime creeps like him start saying they won an argument and aren’t gonna respond anymore, it really means they have nothing intelligent to add.
I never said I won an argument. I said I won arguments. That's plural. As in many, many arguments. There's a difference.

Also, ironically, those arguments are at a thread I created about being unjustly censored, which is what many here are wanting to happen again.
So it's not okay for me to speak truths and make arguments they don't like, but it is okay for my opponents to attack me and to spew hatred with disrespect and the very things they accuse me of doing. Amazing! Truly amazing!
I never said I won an argument. I said I won arguments. That's plural. As in many, many arguments. There's a difference.

Also, ironically, those arguments are at a thread I created about being unjustly censored, which is what many here are wanting to happen again.
In addition to this transphobic thread, what about the one that got taken down because you said that biracial children should be burned in gasoline. Or petrol as you put it? Explain that one
Too bad that Memorial Day is only for one day and not an entire month. I'm thankful for the freedoms I have because of what Memorial Day in contrast to what my internet opponents demand from the censors. Which is to use censorship to silence speech they disagree with. I know my freedom of speech is bit like the success of the 1991 hit movie The Silence Of The Lambs to my opponents here. It really gets under the skin of those people. Get it? Gets under the skin? Get it?

So it's not okay for me to speak truths and make arguments they don't like, but it is okay for my opponents to attack me and to spew hatred with disrespect and the very things they accuse me of doing. Amazing! Truly amazing!

OP you argue that "Gender Affirming Care" in relation to "children " is objectionable on medical grounds, and you claim children
cannot legally consent to such procedures. You also make reference to US state law in support.

Keep on topic and be respectful please.
Corey got banned and rightfully so for being nothing more than a douchebag, yet this guy is still here spewing hate.

c. Explicit content​

In general, this website prohibits the use of explicit content including anything sexual, racial and hateful.
"When they want you silent, speak louder." --Riley Gaines, in the aftermath of her being kidnapped in California for three hours by a mob who didn't like what she had to say.
OP you argue that "Gender Affirming Care" in relation to "children " is objectionable on medical grounds, and you claim children
cannot legally consent to such procedures. You also make reference to US state law in support.

Keep on topic and be respectful please.
Children cannot consent to such horrifying procedures because they don't understand what's about to happen to them. They are too young. They haven't lived long enough to understand these issues. They are too young to make such life-altering decisions that have such irreversible and devastating consequences.

Keep on topic and be respectful please? Seriously? You're addressing that to me?! Have you not been reading what my opponents are saying? Or are you simply cowering to the mob?
OP you argue that "Gender Affirming Care" in relation to "children " is objectionable on medical grounds, and you claim children
cannot legally consent to such procedures. You also make reference to US state law in support.

Keep on topic and be respectful please.
After seeing what happened to Billboard Chris in Vancouver, Canada, within a week after the Nashville school shooting in March, I have to wonder if you're taking your cues from the Vancouver police. Just curious.
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