What lessons did you learn from your past relationships?

I've learned that love is a construct we tell ourselves to try to feel some stability. The most long term relationships are usually monetarily based. Being yourself doesn't matter if you can't buy the person off. No one will ever love you, and if they say they do, they are trying to get something from you. Some people get into relationships with friends, but people don't stay friends unless there's a monetary incentive to do so. No one will ever truly love you, even your family hopes you'll one day support them monetarily. People even went so far as to invent religion to feel loved by an imaginary deity.

I've learned that no one will ever care about me. No one will ever love me. Looking for love is just a looking for a reason to end your life. If you need other people to make you happy, you'll never be happy. If there's something, anything you want, you'll never truly find it. You can only convince yourself you want something that already exists, you can only compromise. People who make things are never happy unless they compromise. Otherwise they're a perfectionist who will never be happy with anything they make.

People change, if you find something funny, you won't find it funny forever. If you like anything at all, you won't like it forever.

Compromise can't make you happy, you can only trick yourself into feeling happy.

The more intelligent you are, the less happy you'll be. The smartest people always die unhappy, many by their own hand. If someone ends their own life, they were too smart for their own good. Anyone who tells you not to end your own life, wants something from you, maybe not for them, but for someone, somewhere.

The only happy people are those too mindless to want anything. Some people are happy to serve others. But they'll eventually want something. Something they'll never truly find. Once someone wants something, unless they trick themselves, they'll die unhappy.

You can either be mindless, wait for your mind to leave you, or take your mind from yourself. This is why people do drugs or take medication. To lose control of their own mind.

If you can't be mindless or take some kind of drug, you'll take your own life. If you don't want to take your own life, take a drug or never use your mind. Never think or never be happy, those are your only options.
What I learned is that friendships can be affected by the internet.

I've been friends with Ian for 4 to 5 years, and we used to snap every day. He was one of my closest friends.

When we snapped he got into trouble with phone usage at school.

This was after Spring Break and things got tougher. He's at another school, but in the same county. One grade lower than me. I honestly felt like I've drifted apart, and that the internet had interfered with our relationship. I still miss him, no matter what.

I'm thinking of reconnecting with him when the time is right.
Many years ago my partner, feeling torn between cultural conflicts, took an overdose of paracetamol (can kill by destroying the liver or something)

After I carried her to a taxi and got her to emergency and stomach pumped out with charcoal and she recovered, I simply told her 'if you ever try that again we are definitely finished.'

She never has – and we remain happy together maybe twenty years later.

To change behaviour, clear consequences, simply described, are recommended