Would you Rather ?

I'm a female so I pick female. So I rather be a female.

Would you rather want to live in Alaska for free for 10 years where it's always burr frigid cold there or in Africa where it's always very hot for 10 years for free? You can only pick one of these two and you can't live anywhere else within the 10 years. You couldn't see your family and you couldn't see your friends for just 10 years. But you could call them for free.
I would rather work on an airplane. I love flying. I've never been in a cruise ship so I wouldn't know. I heard many bad things in on a cruise ship you get food poisoning and seasick. Lots of people have been lost at sea sadly.

So you would start writing books at age 21 until you're 80.

Would you rather be an author and write books for all of your life beginning at age 21 until you're living until your 80s and still being healthy or be the vice president of a company of your choice?
I would rather swim the English Channel. I love to swim.

Would you rather go surfing with the sharks in the ocean being alone by yourself knowing that the sharks wouldn't bother you one bit or being on stage broadway front and center stage doing ballet for the nutcracker show with 10,000 people watching you live??
Bring on the sharks!😁
I would rather fall in love.

Would you rather be a kangaroo or would you rather be a koala if you had to be an animal at the zoo or in the wild life?

Examples. Would you rather be a kangaroo at the zoo or in the wildlife?

Would you rather be a koala bear at the zoo or in wildlife?

Would you rather be a kangaroo or koala bear?
Kangaroo in the wildlife, bit more fun then sleeping all the time overdosed on eucalyptus leaves lol 😁