Corrupt a wish

Wish granted but you both stay asleep forever.

I wish i could go to london for a vacation right now.
Wish granted but Jack the Ripper comes back from the dead to chase you around the city for the enitre vacation

I wish I had a pool full of strawberry jello
Wish granted but its barren 10 foot square and no one can visit.

I wish telling your friends I love you was more common.
wish granted but all your friends love you a little too intensely and now all forms of media are constantly notifying you every minute of said gratification assuming they aren't already in your bedroom closet waiting to pounce you

I wish My bed was a cloud
Wish granted but then you require in-patient care and have to live in a hospital.

I wish our government leaders were ethical.
Wish granted but then all of their thoughts pertain to you in all forms (good , bad , stalkerish ).
I wish I was made of cotton candy or candy floss I think some call it
Wish granted but it starts raining and you melt.

I wish I could have a one hit wonder song. Make bank and dip.
wish granted but then everyone knows you were a one hit wonder and doubts your ability to do anything great so no one will hire , rent , or associate with you ever again

I wish I could rent a cuddletute it's like a prostitute minus the banging
Wish granted; you can speak it but not understand it when spoken back to you. 😈

I wish I could read minds.