PRIDE in sexuality?

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I mean you should always have pride In yourself, which would encompass everything about you, which would include sexuality.

...but, even tho I didn't read all them blocks of text, just the title, im guessing this is less so in general and more specifically the pride parades n stuff... which is a bit silly, not even cause its shoving it in faces or whatever... its just kinda dumb
I mean you should always have pride In yourself, which would encompass everything about you, which would include sexuality.

...but, even tho I didn't read all them blocks of text, just the title, im guessing this is less so in general and more specifically the pride parades n stuff... which is a bit silly, not even cause its shoving it in faces or whatever... its just kinda dumb
Just remember who the OP is and all is answered...
I agree with both of you. All these couples that have pride in their children. It's fucking irritating the way they bang on about it all the time and the way they are incapable of keeping their kids hidden and therefore their sexuality private.
I mean you could always make a baby on your own.. oh wait. Two gay males are incapable of procreating.
I'm like "You got laid and made a baby. Congrats and all that but Jeez, give it a rest at some point before your child reaches retirement age!" It's so annoying, for example, when they're all over Tesco flaunting their sexuality by having their babies in the prams and pushchais "Who cares that you got laid and made a baby!? Move your pride out of my way and let me get to the loo roll, and btw preggo lady over there, hide your damn bump and ban those T-Shirts that say "baby on board".....nobody thinks you should be proud of your sexuality honey!"

The pride that blinds is the thief of PEACE. It is the father of jealousy and the constant need to compare.
Pride without merit is the seed of insecurity and the wound to those that need healing.
For someone belonging to a "group" whos goal is to simply "exist" you seem to harbor a lot of hatred for children that are just existing. There seems to be a lot of prejudice considering the child in that pushcart could be adopted by a gay couple who cant procreate or a surrogate carrying a baby for a gay couple that cant conceive.

This is not PRIDE of their sexuality.

As i explained earlier,
Humility encourages individuals to focus on communal values and ideals rather than emphasizing personal identity or desires. It puts others above yourself, just like GOD.
This type of “pride” is not self centered. As a result there is nothing wrong with it.
The type of PRIDE you like is the self centered sinful kind.
The type of PRIDE that got SATAN SMITED from the kingdom of GOD.
This is the kind of PRIDE that lies at the root of all human SIN.

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18)

Define “flaunt”.

If you mean holding hands in the street, that’s acceptable or an arm around the partner.

If you mean swapping spit in public and just downright being inappropriate, then no.

GLB or not. I don’t wanna see that crap.
  1. display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance.

viral video news GIF
pride parade world GIF
my TLDR is this, ( forget PET, )

Having pride in sexuality? If manifested as hubris then I say no.
I mean you could always make a baby on your own.. oh wait. Two gay males are incapable of procreating.

For someone belonging to a "group" whos goal is to simply "exist" you seem to harbor a lot of hatred for children that are just existing. There seems to be a lot of prejudice considering the child in that pushcart could be adopted by a gay couple who cant procreate or a surrogate carrying a baby for a gay couple that cant conceive.

This is not PRIDE of their sexuality.

As i explained earlier,

This type of “pride” is not self centered. As a result there is nothing wrong with it.
The type of PRIDE you like is the self centered sinful kind.
The type of PRIDE that got SATAN SMITED from the kingdom of GOD.
This is the kind of PRIDE that lies at the root of all human SIN.

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18)

  1. display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance.

viral video news GIF
pride parade world GIF
Provoking envy?

I don’t think flaunt is the correct word then. I am not envious of gays and most certainly not envious of dancing like a fanny in the street
And there we have it. Yet another of the stale one’s wankbank threads framed as a debate.

It’s alarming how many images of gay men the OP has.

I’m not surprised that he has no pride in himself, nor should he have.

Next Level Gay GIF
.... When was the last time straight people were killed or imprisoned for being in love?

*65 jurisdictions criminalise private, consensual, same-sex sexual activity. The majority of these jurisdictions explicitly criminalise sex between men via ‘sodomy’, ‘buggery’ and ‘unnatural offences’ laws. Almost half of them are Commonwealth jurisdictions.

*41 countries criminalise private, consensual sexual activity between women using laws against ‘lesbianism’, ‘sexual relations with a person of the same sex’ and ‘gross indecency’. Even in jurisdictions that do not explicitly criminalise women, lesbians and bisexual women have been subjected to arrest or threat of arrest.

*12 countries have jurisdictions in which the death penalty is imposed or at least a possibility for private, consensual same-sex sexual activity. At least 6 of these implement the death penalty – Iran, Northern Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen – and the death penalty is a legal possibility in Afghanistan, Brunei, Mauritania, Pakistan, Qatar, UAE and Uganda.

*14 countries criminalise the gender identity and/or expression of transgender people, using so-called ‘cross-dressing’, ‘impersonation’ and ‘disguise’ laws. In many more countries transgender people are targeted by a range of laws that criminalise same-sex activity and vagrancy, hooliganism and public order offences.
@Louize yeah not in the uk or america, western countries yet many lgbt people pretend it's a living hell in those countries.

The truth is they used to be oppressed, they got their rights years ago but it wasn't good enough for them, they now demand special rights, validation, the right to impose their beliefs onto others and punish people if we don't subscribe to their beliefs/ ideology hence cancel culture.

It went from asking for acceptance to forced compliance. They took it too far. Forced acceptance is not acceptance and respect is earned it's not a given right.
Most people know they got their rights and took it too far
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