Offensive jokes thread

Wife: Hi baby, good news I’m pregnant.
Husband: Hi pregnant, I’m gonna be your daddy!
I call for Luka to be no more @freeluka for stealing my joke. Okay I can do better. What is the difference between a bowling ball and a red head lady's naughty bits?

You could eat the bowling ball if you absolutely had to.
I know you get off to bad jokes. But you don't need to get other people off to them aswell.
Not really I do like Yo Mama Joke and Ginger jokes but the title of this thread check it is OFFENSIVE JOKES. I care nothing about entertaining or getting other chat avenue users off which sounds like a giant circle jerk. I do like offending the easily offended though.
Not really I do like Yo Mama Joke and Ginger jokes but the title of this thread check it is OFFENSIVE JOKES. I care nothing about entertaining or getting other chat avenue users off which sounds like a giant circle jerk. I do like offending the easily offended though.
For a participant in a joke thread, you lack a sense of humor. Come back you've got actual material.